Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Simple Solution

Something to blog about this holiday season. Let’s begin with:

The Current Financial Mess

As a holiday gift, we hope to give you folks some insight into the recent “Financial Crisis.”


On the subject of Money, usually people, will take notice, especially these days, when trying to figure out what's going on can be a bit confusing.

2nd, please read this article, it was written in June of 2006 & is most prophetic as much of what it mentions has come to pass.

3rd, from The New York Times 12/16/08 "The Great Unraveling"

The stranger, a Western businessman, slipped into the chair next to me at an Asia Society lunch here in Hong Kong and asked me a question that I can honestly say I’ve never been asked before: “So, just how corrupt is America?”His question was occasioned by the arrest of the Wall Street money manager Bernard Madoff on charges of running a Ponzi scheme that bilked investors out of billions of dollars, but it wasn’t only that. It’s the whole bloody mess coming out of Wall Street — the financial center that Hong Kong moneymen had always looked up to. How could it be, they wonder, that such brand names as Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and A.I.G. could turn out to have such feet of clay? Where, they wonder, was our Securities and Exchange Commission and the high standards that we had preached to them all these years?

4th, This article is the "kicker," it begins to show how vast a scam or sham the whole monetary system has become. Since this last article is relatively comprehensive, I placed my blogged comment on it at the end. Definitely reading the extensive blogs following this last article are important, as an enlightenment exercise, to understand the various prospectives out there.

5th, So Where is this all leading us?

Simple Solutions for some,

So things are looking grim, kinda like the "Grinch" might steal Christmas, but depending on your circumstances there could be hope. At the least, you could hedge your bets and buy some physical gold. A one ounce Krugerrand bullion coin can still be had for about $1,000US. In light of the general sense of fear in the market it is very probable that its value will exponentially increase in the coming months.  At the opposite end of the spectrum it looks to many that the dollar will fall & stocks?Well, here's a mainstream blog on all that:

Other Possible Options,

Develop a plan! Go back to the video with Marc Faber, look at the distribution systems around you and the food supply, consider a rural area as he suggests.


Maybe we need to lighten up the subject a little with an inside look at how our accounting system works:

The "Big Smoke President" is sitting in his oval office smoking his big smoke when he asks his secretary to call in his top accountant. Soon the top accountant arrives to inquire as to what might be the problem. The President takes a smooth puff, examining his fine cigar and asks his accountant, "How much is two plus two?" The top accountant looks at him, then turns around and closes the door, then he goes to the window and pulls the shades closed. He next comes up real close to the President and quietly asks, "How much do you want it to be?" (note: the last accountant, who had been honest, was fired).

Of course this is just a joke, but looking around recently, it begs the question:
"Who's the joke on?" My guess is the Taxpayers