Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the cheap-money era - Meltup

Watch this video! It is the reality of our current worldwide financial dilemma.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

JP Morgan Silver Manipulation Explained

The objective of this blog is to provide a compelling argument on behalf of maintaining possession of physical gold & silver to provide a means of insurance against what looks to be the impending demise of the US dollar.
(Acronyms: PM-precious metals, ETF-exchange traded funds, GLD &SLV-are gold & silver ETF’s)

"Great must listen to video!! This video discusses the sh*t storm at the LBMA, BIS and how the COMEX is already settling with FIAT CURRENCIES. THEY DO NOT HAVE THE METAL. Folks this is going to get ugly. YOU MUST HAVE PHYSICAL SILVER! Stop buying crap and go buy metal!!"

Whistle blower articles:

Is China Behind the Big Silver Short?
79 comments by: Golden Economizer December 26, 2010

Factors that have enabled China to manipulate silver:

What makes manipulation the most serious market crime possible is because it distorts the law of supply and demand and misallocates capital resources. Were it not for the long-term silver manipulation and the distortion of the price, we would not be on the verge of a physical shortage.
Outline of criminal proceedings Article:

Banks are not reducing risk, but taking on more:

Article: “The majority of gold sales were conducted off market with central banks.” by Adrian Ash at the bottom of this article,

All this puts into question Federal Reserve Statistics:

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The "Federal Reserve" can NOT Explain "9 Trillion MISSING in US Currency!"

Elizabeth Coleman: Fed's Inspector General before a congressional committee is either stonewalling or is a deer in the headlights

Is it all just a Ponzi scheme?

Who has Ownership of US Treasury Securities?